The Media Spot

The Media Spot promotes media literacy through collaborative media productions, partnerships with environmentally and socially progressive organizations, and K-12 staff and curriculum development to help adapt their curricula to a constantly evolving mediated and technological world without losing track of the objective of media literacy education: empowering lifelong learners to ACCESS, ANALYZE, EVALUATE, CREATE andContinue reading “The Media Spot”

IREX’s Learn to Discern Media Literacy Training (L2D)

“Learn to Discern’s curriculum builds communities’ resilience to state-sponsored disinformation, inoculates communities against public health misinformation, promotes inclusive communities by empowering its members to recognize and reject divisive narratives and hate speech, improves young people’s ability to navigate increasingly polluted online spaces, and enables leaders to shape decisions based on facts and quality information.” ReadContinue reading “IREX’s Learn to Discern Media Literacy Training (L2D)”